Für die Steigerung Deines persönlichen Marktwerts stellen wir Dir ein Expertenteam zur Seite, das Dich auf jedem Schritt Deiner individuellen Karriere unterstützt, berät und gezielt auf Deine Wünsche und Ziele eingeht.
Your advantages as part of our artist management
- All listed services are free of charge and available 7 days a week
- Individual support through personal contact persons
- Full organization of your cooperations & orders incl. contract negotiations
- Building your personal brand across all relevant channels
- Development of an individual market strategy
- Establishment of business relationships with suitable cooperation partners
- Provision of a professional e-mail and postal address for business purposes
- Provision of a professional e-mail and postal address for business purposes Legally secure imprint (thus your private address remains secret) Legal protection and legal security regarding cooperations and orders Holistic advice on legal and tax issues
- Legal protection and legal security regarding cooperations and orders
- Holistic advice on legal and tax issues
- Full transparency in every step of the process
- Access to our extensive network of experts den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen
- Creation and maintenance of media kits/sedcards
- Special conditions for our current and future products and services (independent of artist management, e.g. websites, apps, logos, story Filter, GIFs, graphics etc.)
You want to be a part of Michellicon Valley?
Apply now via our contact form or contact us via and use the subject "artist management"